
Sunday 17 October 2010

Banana Trees Down. Mayday, mayday!

Heavy rain this afternoon. I mean like, heavy. It tear down my banana trees. And these ones were very huge! *pfiuh

BRAKK!! Seketika 2 pohon itu jatuh tak berdaya

Oh, ternyata selain hujan dan angin, ini dia penyebabnya. Mari kita potong 

PFIUHH!! Beratnya pisang-pisang ini. Masih muda tapinya, diapakan ya??

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Scream Art Loud : Mural Art Competition

 { Scream Art Loud }
Bio Diversity Loss (Eco Friendly) (What is it?)   

Visual Objective:
Bagaimana caranya kita sebagai seniman, mengangkat sebuah tema mengenai Bio Diversity Loss, dan mengkomunikasikan bagaimana cara menanggulangi, atau create awareness ke public dan kira2 apa yang mau di-achieve... apakah itu mengenai binatang yang udah mau extinct atau polusi what ever.. in an artistic way, dan visually beautiful!

Yuk Ikutan!!
- Daftar aja! Nanti bakal dikasih form dari mereka. (mau ke alamat itu, atau lewat gue ntar gue fwd ke orangnya) >> Kirim aja biodata lo.
- Lo musti submit image. Nanti visual yang lo kirim harus sudah bisa represent bentuk akhir dari karya muralnya. Dibikin di .psd or .ai or whatever, asal bisa dibuat beneran di dinding nanti. (maksimal 2MB)
- Ntar kalau masuk semifinal, dihubungin, deh! Cross your finger! :D

Yang masuk semifinal, bakal di pamerin di acara SUNDANZE bulan November. Lumayan kan exposyre artis&disana bakal ada voting nih.

Nah, 5 terbesar bakal yang nggambar mural deh di event Scream Art Loud.

Hadiahnya cukup seru nih: 
1. Hadiah 5 Juta rupiah 
2. Product Endorsment dari clothing line lokal 
3. Endorsement untuk menggambar dinding di 365 Eco Bar kemang (untuk periode tahun 2011)

Gut luck fellas!

Sunday 10 October 2010

Becoming a better writer

Best advice from Copyblogger about:

10 Steps to Becoming a Better Writer 

  1. Write.
  2. Write more.
  3. Write even more.
  4. Write even more than that.
  5. Write when you don’t want to.
  6. Write when you do.
  7. Write when you have something to say.
  8. Write when you don’t.
  9. Write every day.
  10. Keep writing.


Saturday 2 October 2010

Surprise, sure price! Happy Me Day! :)

I don't really think about celebrating birthday because it matters the least for me. I'm more like, blessing the fact that i still be given one more year to live and God still loves me. I still have my family, health, my job and my best friends.

I once ever imagine having a celebration but seeing the awful fact back in high school where the so called friends came into my class to ask for free goodies i brought then asked 'Aww i want that too! Who's having a birthday? Elfitra? Which one is Elfitra?' made me think that having a few numbers of friends is enough. Friends who really know you instead of just knowing you. Friends that i would never doubt any of their honesty. That's why i bury deep my wish for birthday.

Oh, my favorite present is, pray. Because it worth way much than goods. Imagine having someone wish me for a good life, health, and luck for the rest of my life? Priceless. (even tho i couldn't refuse if they give me a pair of new shoes and tank top, maybe :D )

But somehow for the past two years i felt very happy. My friends at the office made a surprise for me and it matters a lot for me. I'd like to cry because the effort they made, even tho they didn't hire any local band (oh puhlease...!!) but i knew they did that sincerely. And i was very blessed for that.

This is last year (2009) :

And this is this year :

more flour... 

brotherly love birthday card.
it said that:
'Hope you can be a better person than before' :')

Love you all guys :D