Ssshh.. this is secret. You mustn't tell anyone but me, or else you'll see!
I have been through a lot of thinking. I mean, a lot.
And dozen of friends, experiences, told me the secret. Well, not really but,
keep wanting and you'll have it.
I never want something so bad. Due to my childhood disability in many things. It has taught me to bury my will and keep my wish for myself. But this time, it has to change.
I want those things *referring to my wishing list* I will. I will. As long as there's a path shown to me :)
I want him *referring to someone new*. As what Morrisey ever said, 'please please please. Let me. Let me get what i want, this time.' If you ever seen this posting,dear, it might be you. :)
Year almost end. I get more excited. Another resolution? Why not? :D
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Malu malu mau
Aku malu. Tapi mau.
Antara gengsi tapi bingung.
Sebenarnya ku tak mau, tapi ingin.
Antara denganmu selalu sampai pusing.
Aku malu, tapi mau.
Pura-pura acuh namun hati riuh.
Aku malu malu mau,
Sama kamu kamu kamu.
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Can i go to the toilet please?
Because i want to pee. And taking pictures of course! :D
Feels like in Mediterranean!
Feels like in China-Japan!
Being comfort in a toilet is a must. However, it makes your 'urgent job', easier and lighter, eh?
Thursday, 2 September 2010
New Helmet
Horray, i got new helmet!
Actually i requested for Keroro or Kerokeropi
but, Hello Kitty is quite enough :) Even though i looked a bit silly in Hello Kitty :O
Monday, 16 August 2010
Merdeka itu merk kue sus?
Kalau lomba ini diadakan saat saya masih berusia sekitar 10 tahun-an, mungkin akan dengan senang hati saya menulis sampai berlembar-lembar banyaknya. Namun diusia yang ke-23 ini saya jujur saja mempertanyakan arti kemerdekaan itu sendiri.
Saat pelajaran PMP dahulu, saya ingat sekali bagaimana arti kemerdekaan sangat berarti bagi bangsa Indonesia. Merdeka dari penjajahan, merdeka dari buta aksara, merdeka dari segala ketebatasan namun masih memiliki norma. Seru lah kalau jaman dulu.
Huahaahahhah, jaman dulu kesannya tua banget padahal baru juga 10 tahun lalu yah :D tapi waktu yang singkat itu ternyata memberikan pandangan yang sangat jauh juga lho, saya tahu pasti banyak dari kalian juga yang berpendapat kurang lebih sama.
Di mata seorang anak kecil kayak saya jaman dulu, kebebasan dari menonton TVRI itu merupakan hal yang ajaib dan sempat membuat mata berbinar-binar. Bayangkan, saya bisa kenal sama Doraemon dan nggak perlu nangis ngedengerin lagu penutup TVRI (yang saat itu terdengar mistis). Belum lagi kebebasan untuk naik angkutan umum seperti bus kota saat tingkat kriminalitas masih rendah sekali. Saya yang masih berseragam SD saat itu tenang-tenang saja gelantungan di pegangan patas 45.
Belum lagi waktu jaman internet mulai merajalela. Ketika pulang sekolah bisa chatting MiRc meski ujung2 nya ketemu orang Australia/ India yang selalu mempertanyakan foto dan memperlihatkan barang kebanggannya, namun kebebasan berbicara dengan orang diluar negri tuh kayaknya, keren banget saat itu!
Sekarang dengar kata merdeka? Pfftt, saya jadi frigid seketika. Rasanya, biasa aja! Bahkan semangat Kartini maupun pejuang jaman dulu terlewatkan. Kenapa? Karena saya tidak merasakan langsung. Saya tidak dilatih dan diajarkan untuk merasakan langsung. Malahan saya bete dengernya. Merdeka berbicara, menyuarakan pendapat, malahan jadi nulis yang aneh-aneh, gossip, demo nggak jelas. Merdeka kok masih pada miskin, kok masih pada nggak bisa baca tulis, kok masih banyak yang nggak ngerasa merdeka, kok malah jadi bikin drop manner manusia? *yawning*
Tapi ya mbok ya jangan pesimis melulu tho. Dari antara semua pandangan negatif saya tentang kemerdekaan, terima kasih karena saya masih bisa hidup sampai sekarang di Indonesia dengan nyaman.
Si penggemar kue sus Merdeka.
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
My career isn't my job now
- Judul Buku: Career Coach: Your Job is Not Your Career dan Career Snippet: Embrace Your Passion, Live a Life of Action, Build Our Nation
- Pengarang: Rene Suhardono
- Penerbit: Literati, Maret 2010
- Jumlah halaman: 160 dan 192
Coba tanyakan kepada diri Anda, "Untuk apakah saya bekerja?" Apakah alasan uang, ibadah, keluarga, atau bahkan hanya sekedar mengisi waktu luang?
“Your Job is Not Your Career” merupakan sebuah statement pencerahan pikiran –setidaknya begitulah yang dirasakan- yang dituangkan dalam bentuk paket buku 2in1, terhadap para pekerja yang memiliki persepsi konvensional mengenai pekerjaan dan karir mereka. Rene Suhardono, seorang CareerCoach sekaligus partner pada Amrop Hever Indonesia, sebuah perusahaan Business Advisors dan Executive Search, seakan dapat membaca ke-"labil"-an jutaan karyawan yang sehari-hari bertanya, “Sebenarnya apa sih yang saya kerjakan ini?”
Buku ini pada dasarnya membahas perbedaan antara Job (Pekerjaan) dengan Career (Karir). Job sebenarnya hanyalah sebuah sarana yang dapat membawa kita ke satu tempat yang kita kehendaki. Sedangkan, Career sepenuhnya adalah hidup kita dan perjalanan itu sendiri! Career menggandeng erat urusan passion, tujuan hidup individu, values, ketercapaian, dan salah satu yang paling penting dalam hidup: fulfillment and happiness!
Dalam buku ini, Rene meneriakkan secara halus dan bersemangat bahwa setiap individu harus dapat mengetahui dan memahami terlebih dahulu apa keunikan dan passion yang mereka miliki. Dan, menghilangkan keraguan atas arah karir dengan tujuan agar kelak pekerjaan yang digeluti dapat dilakukan dengan bahagia, iklas dan sepenuh hati. Menurut saya buku ini dapat dijadikan sebagai referensi bercermin bagi individu perorangan (masyarakat luas) maupun praktisi SDM serta perusahaan agar mereka dapat lebih membuka mata akan kenyataan bahwa kegiatan apa pun itu harus dilakukan oleh talent dengan passion yang tepat dan kuat.
Selain sukses meraup respon “Bener juga ya...jadi selama ini....?”, Rene pun secara eksplisit mengubah perlahan pola pikir pembaca untuk introspeksi. Tepat seperti judul buku keduanya dalam paket ini, Career Snippets: Embrace Your Passion (kenali, gali, dan selami lebih jauh passion Anda), Live a Life of Action (ambil selangkah lebih maju, beranikan hidup dalam dunia penuh aksi dan tantangan), Build Our Nation (dengan menjadi pribadi yang tahu benar potensi diri, ‘membangun dunia’ akan terasa lebih mudah).
Jadi, apakah passion Anda?
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
I found these interesting reading about economic system. It helped me a lot during the comprehension part (due to my limited brain space for economy)
World Economic Systems
You have two cows. Your lord takes some of the milk.
You have two cows. The government takes them and puts them in a barn with everyone else's cows. You have to take care of all the cows. The government gives you as much milk as you need.
You have two cows. The government takes them and puts them in a barn with everyone else's cows. They are cared for by ex-chicken farmers. You have to take care of the chickens the government took from the chicken farmers. The government gives you as much milk and eggs as the regulations say you should need.
You have two cows. The government takes them both, hires you to take care of them and sells you the milk.
You have two cows. Your neighbors help you take care of them, and you all share the milk.
You have two cows. You have to take care of them, but the government takes all the milk.
You have two cows. The government takes both and shoots you.
You have two cows. The government takes both and drafts you.
You have two cows. Your neighbors decide who gets the milk.
You have two cows. Yours neighbors pick somone to tell you who gets the milk.
You have two cows. At first the government regulates what you can feed them and when you can milk them. Then it pays you not to milk them. Then it takes both, shoots one, milks the other one and pours the milk down the drain. Then it requires you to fill out forms accounting for the missing cows. In triplicate.
You have two cows. Either you sell the milk at a fair price or your neighbors take the cows and kill you.
You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull.
You have two giraffes. The government requires you to take harmonica lessons.
Hallo Morning
Today is the first day where 8.30 - 17.30 office time finally be set officially. At first i was like 'oh no! I haven't woke up at that time!' -knowing that i have a -within easy reach- home, about half an hour voyage :D
The thing is, i am quite lazy and really believe that my comfy bed is my everything, and sleeping is the best part of life. A thousand times i have convinced myself to change that bad habit. Morning is awesome!, said Mama one day. You can get a free fresh air, healthy sun, and you can eat breakfast a lot while reading newspaper or spending hours in the toilet, throwing your filthy waste :D Nah- that, i don't see. I am busy. Busy? yes, busy sleeping.
I, somehow believe that this new regulation can slowly change my habit into a better morning appreciator person as i have ever wished. Sitting on a bus, peacefully with no rush is, an extraordinary feeling! Hope that it'll last forever :)
Friday, 2 July 2010
Artsy Sunday
One of my favorite thing to do in the weekend is visiting an exhibition, especially an art&craft exhibition. Last Sunday, another art/design/craft (creative) exhibition was held in Jakarta Hilton Convention Center. It contains all craft around Indonesia. Actually i've visited exhibition like this before and i found all were very similar. But that Sunday was different, dunno, maybe there were several school/university delegation, showing their artworks - which i thought was very stunning and impressive :)
These are a few pictures i took
these are mom's favorite part :D
and this was mine!!! :D
Thursday, 24 June 2010
This is it, this is it.
" i want to be in a place where art and design is well accepted so i can be very happy and happy and happy until i die "
Sunday, 30 May 2010
... never been this easier these days. Especially when you have integrated your mind to nothingness and an unknown silent beneath your lumpy feelings. Is that so? For now? Yes, indeed.
Monday, 24 May 2010
Heart New Gelael
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Random post
One day at the bus. (Left) An old man. Wonder what he was thinking that time.. :D (Right) A man who sold hair accessories and several tiny useful things. He was on his way home at Pasar Rumput, Manggarai. We had a little chat back then.
Traffic jam outside my house. Nice, people!!! Stupid cars parked as they like. Not it has been a daily routine since that BTA was built.
Thank you Kompasiana, these freebies made me happy :D
One of the best place to swim. Citos! Humm, dunno, maybe the environment? :P
Nice boots for IDR800,000 from Pull&Bear. Must. Have. (later.... T^T...)
I hope this will be the daily situation in Jakarta. Amen
One dazzling afternoon :)
I AM NOT THE BEST, BUT I'M NEXT TO IT (standing besides Walt Disney)
Monday, 17 May 2010
Menang gaya kalah nasib -_-"
Menang gaya dan (sedikit) skil komputer, tapi kalah nasib, ya beginilah jadinya:
saat Daniel Craig lagi booming-boomingnya...
ketika Gaspard Ulliel terlihat seperti bidadariwan Prancis...
kalau yang ini beneran! Ehehh :D
Ya Tuhan semoga impianku ketemu artis-artis favorit suatu saat terwujud (sebelum saya berumur 35 kalau boleh ya Tuhan..)
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Wanting, needing, and dreaming
Speaking about wanting and needing something, both produce the same importance but the ending isn't always predictable.
Lets say i want to eat rujak soo bad. I'll search for it wherever i go and unfortunately i didn't find any. It'll wreck my day and i ended up giving the grumpy face all day.
Lets say i want to go to the office with motorcycle instead using a bus for its comfortable and time saver. But then i don't get any 'ojek' and i decide to use bus (plus extra disappointment). And you know what, i finally experience something on the road. Met a wonderful-voice street singer, buy three sour-candy (my favorite street candy of all time), and witness an impressive red Camper car parking on a supermarket in the corner of the street. How awesome is that? That might not happen if only i use 'ojek'
Speaking about wanting and needing something.
I always dreaming about having anything i want. Imagining things, unrealizable things (in my opinion), a fairytale story about real life and every good stories behind. A Perfect job, a perfect boyfriend, a perfect family, even though perfection isn't exist. Wait wait.. Yes it exist! Only if you think so.
Speaking about wanting and needing something.
There're always a few cases where i finally got what i want, in a way i never imagine it would be. Like, i dreamed or wished for it 5 years ago, i get it five years after. Therefore i never doubt of my dreams because i believe it'll happen one day.
You don't have to worry about the way i see the world because it's just my way. Period. People always slap me by saying 'dream high but never ever leave the earth' because reality isn't always beautiful. It needs hard work and willingness. I thank them for that. Never ever forget the deep advise.
I consider myself as a lucky dangler. Who dream high and plan to fly. I thank God for every facilities that has given to me. Everything. I don't know, i just feel that way.
Speaking about wanting and needing something. There're a few cases when i finally realize that:
"sometimes what you want, isn't always what you need"
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
My Passion?
Suatu hari di malam yang kelabu, hatikupun terasa kelabu. Kunyalakanlah radio kesukaanku, Hard Rock Fm dan menunggu saat-saat Retromantic, siaran favorit akyuuuu. Lalu tibalah saat-saat iklan mengenai Coach Career yang intinya, Your Job is Not Your Career.
I was stunned! x'D *sekaligus nelongso*
Kenapa segitu stunned-nya? Karena itu sangat menusuk sekali. Pekerjaan yang kita lakukan ini memanglah bukan karir kita. Bukan passion kita. Soalnya adaaaa aja alasan dibalik kita bekerja yang sebenernya bukan untuk kita. Keluarga lah, nggak ada kerjaan lah, soalnya deket rumah lah, soalnya deket pacar lah, dll, dst. Tapi apakah kita suka apa yang kita kerjakan?
Hmmm... bagi yang menjawab suka, bagus! You've brought positivity in your life :D
Tapi yang nggak? Mungkin ini saatnya penjajakan dan pencarian, passion dan karir kamu yang sebenernya :)
Speaking of Passion. What is your passion? Ah, heck other people.
What is my passion??
*thinking hard*
Sebenernya banyaaaak banget. I'm gonna list what i remember right now.
*An Illustrator with Identity.
Hufff dengan gaya gambar yang sekian banyak jenisnya, suka ngeksplor, bosenan sama gaya yang itu-itu aja *gayaa??? maksudnya? :P * Like my favorite illustrator, Mr Alberto Cerriteno :) LOVEEE HIS ARTWORK SO MUCH!
Kadang suka bertanya-tanya sendiri, mendingan bisa banyak gaya atau satu aja? Meski dibilang nggak konsisten, tapi entah kenapa selaluuu aja gabisa kalau fokus sama satu aja. Hufff...
*A writer with Fantasy.
As elegant vulgarism like Vladimir Nabokov or puzzling like John Grisham or Michael Crichton, or even as imaginative like Daniel Wallace?
* A Solo Traveler.
With camera, netbook, pen & sketchbook, and i'm about to go go go! Meeting new people, new cultures, old new heaven :)

*A Jazzy & 90's Cafe Singer.
90s songs are all memorable! And Jazz, it's eternal!
*An Artsy Hand
Oh come on. I have lotsa wated garbage and used things in my house. I could've done something amazing with it. "Make something out of nothing". Like this one:
Oya, kalau mau liat yang lain, visit situs akyuuu yahh!! *dari dulu isinya nggak nambah-nambah nih!! *_*
Hmmm.. so far baru ini yang kepikiran :D
What are dreams without any effortss???? *slaping my face badly*
Sunday, 28 March 2010
Baaninemaa!! Bakipasee!!
Perkenalkan mainan terbaru ku, si Wooflenso!
Diambil dari nama sebuah lagu di Papua, Apuse, Wooflenso adalah sebuah boneka binatang keluaran Russ dengan tipe Snug&Luv. Bulunya sangat lah halus dan sangat halus. Enak dielus-elus. :)
Tidurku semakin tenang dan nyenyak, apalagi si Wooflenso ini suka tak kasih bedak bayi biar wangi (sebenernya gara2 as beli kemarin jadiin 1 plastik sama fetucini)
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Saya kerap kali ngeliat orang-orang yang punya banyak koleksi mainan. Terus saat saya mau koleksi mainan (ikut-ikutan), saya bingung. Saya mau koleksi apaan yah? Soalnya, saya kayak ga punya karakter favorit buat dikoleksi. Oke lah saya suka Disney, tapi nggak segitunya sampai pengen dikoleksi.
Akhirnya saya nemu ini kemarin:
HOW CUTE!!! HOW...HOW...Oh, how i want it so bad.... x'D
Let me tell you a bit about Schleich. (copy paste Wikipedia :D )
Schleich is a German producer of toy figurines and accessories. The company is headquartered in Germany. The traditional market for Schleich products is Mainland Europe, with half their sales in Germany.[1] But their toys are sold worldwide and are now becoming quite popular in the United Kingdom, Australia and North America, where the Schleich figures are available from Toys R Us and also in the prestigious FAO Schwarz toy shop on Fifth Avenue.
Schleich was founded by Friedrich Schleich in 1935. Its figurines were first released in the 1950's with the development, production and marketing of comic figurines such as Snoopy and The Smurfs. In the early 1980s they added animal figurines to their range of products. Until the end of 2006, Schleich was a family-owned business. It was then taken over by the British investment company HG Capital,[3] who paid 165 million euro for an 80% share.
The design of products and the creation of tooling is mostly in-house. Production is at the German headquarters and in production facilities in foreign countries, with the figures being hand-painted in China.[5] In 2006, Schleich had about 250 employees and a yearly sales figure of around 80 million Euro.
The current line of figurines now encompasses animals, knights, dinosaurs, The Smurfs, pets, elves and the American frontier along with many accessories for each.
In May 2007, the new Elfen line was introduced. It features Southern and Northern Elfen in a battle of light and dark. In 2009 a story book about the elves was also published by Schleich. It had originally been released chapter by chapter on the company website.
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