
Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Hello deadline!

These past 4 days i was rushed by deadline. At Sunday night, 10.46 pm i got an email saying that they need 2 more storyboard, the important ones, which will help them in their Wednesday presentation. 45 frames by Monday.

I really hate deadline nor it has to happen anyway. It's just i'm a bit afraid that i couldn't fulfill it, and let them down. But one thing i like is, the feeling of relieve afterward. The 'finally' feeling, that's what i'm after to. (except for the fee. fee doesn't matter as long as you do your job, for me..)

There is one quote that always stick in my mind, i forgot was it taken from Tom Hanks, or he also took it from another source. It says, "if you can have anything in the world, what can make you happy?"

so, go for what you're after to! give me deadline!! LOL.

PS: thank you Mew for accompanying me during my days.

Monday, 16 March 2009

If i have a soulmate

, and he is a samurai. I'll choose Miyamoto Musashi. I cannot explain why, but his character is a good guy's character.

Thursday, 12 March 2009


Mellow dikit ach.

Gua penasaran rasanya punya bapak. My parents divorced when i was born, and i met my dad, an hour before he get burried. So i didn't know him very well. Except from the blurry old fashioned photo, yang bisa gua liat cuma dia dan rambut kritingnya. At least gua tau ini rambut dari mana.

Gatau ya, kayak apa ya rasanya? Gua ngebayangin bisa dicurhatin, terus bisa ngajarin gua benerin genteng, nge bengkel, kalau ada yang jahat, gua bisa ngadu, terus secara cowok, dia pasti cuma cup cup suruh tegar doang, atau gua dipukul, gua disuruh pukul balik (kayak kakeknya nobita yang marah soalnya bapaknya nobita pulang2 ngerengek dipukul waktu kecil). Terus kalau gua mau ke lokasi2 terlarang seperti pasar kumuh dan jalanan penuh kekerasan, demi nyari barang atau apa gitu, dia bisa nemenin gua. Terus dia suruh gua bikinin kopi tiap sore, dan gua bakalan ngomelin kenapa dia ngerokok dan ngopi mulu. Terus dia nurut dan diem-diem ngelakuin pas anaknnya ngantor atau kuliah di Bandung. Terus gua dapet laporan dari nyokap, dan gua telpon ke rumah pakai Flexi sambil ngomel2, ngancem kalau nggak berenti, gua nggak bakal beliin dia mp3 lagu2 Broery atau Elvis di Kota Kembang.

Muluk banget ya? ehheheheheh,,,

Hhhhh,, makanya gua sayang banget keluarga gua. Tuh kan mau nangis, brengsek.

Monday, 2 March 2009

A weekends to share

i'd like to share my weekends.

i went to a mall, Senayan City with my beloved cousin and my Mom. My cousin'd like to buy a yoyo, the Auldey one, the expensive one (sigh...), then so we rushed in to Debenhams, in kids area. Then so he finally chose one (not to exp though, haha, at least he can finally fulfill his dream). And i spot one thing that soon to be my current wishlist. Fyi, for the lack of money, i've never ever wish for anything. Ehm..i rarely go to the playland area though. But this one, is different. For the first time in my past 10 years i've never wanted something so bad like this.

A plug and play (as easy as that!) mini games! It's like PSP (or not...) Those have awesome interface and they were all Disney's!! (except for the Who Wants To be a Millionaire). Rp.300.000 or 400.000. I have to collect money first (sigh...).

- you guys must see the joystick! AAAAAAAAA-