
Monday, 27 April 2009

Friday, 17 April 2009

We shoot bottles

I really love this website because it really stick to one specialty. The specialize in bottles photography, 'any content, any size, at price that makes everyone happy!'

I've seen the shoot and they were awesome. Great photos, perfect lighting and retouch. And at a very reachable price!

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

A love that will last

i love it when you silent
and there's no one else around
because you are the only one
that stand stood behind

i love it when you speak no word
and the smell of your plain parfume
and your sleek smooth skin
i'd be delightful just to taste a bit

i love it when you shut your mouth
and also your eyes
and also your heart
and oh, your mind to

because your body is all mine
even that your soul has left behind
oh i love it when i can owe you forever,
my dear lovely man.

Monday, 6 April 2009

Tentang Blackberry

Mau protes.

Lama2 sebel sama BB. Sama orang2nya yang makai.
Sudah beberapa kali liat orang pakai BB, sibuk sendiri.
Dah gitu, kalau diajak ngomong, matanya nggak bisa lepas dari BB nya.
Emang enak ngomong tapi nggak fokus ke yang diajak ngobrol? Sial.
Kayak nggak ngehargain banget, sumpah.
